OPTCGSim Version 1.19b - Your One Piece Card Game Update

One Piece Card Game App : 

Link to download Here

We're excited to announce the release of OPTCGSim Version 1.19b, bringing you a bunch of fixes and card-specific adjustments in the latest update.

General Fixes:

  • Search effects like Whitebeard Pirates and When You’re At Sea no longer cause disruptions when triggered from Life.
  • Characters with the ability to Set to Active at the End of the Turn now activate before the Bird Cage stage trigger.

Card-Specific Fixes:

  • We've resolved various issues with specific cards, such as X. Drake and Out-of-the-Bag.
  • A temporary UI bug related to Kaku has been fixed after returning cards from the trash to the deck.
  • Card interactions, including those with Bon Clay, Charlotte Moscato, and Sabo Leader, have been adjusted for smoother gameplay.

You can download the update for various platforms, and we'd like to give credit to Batsu Games for providing the installers.

As a token of our appreciation, we've compiled a list of links where you can support Batsu’s amazing team through Patreon or PayPal. If you have some spare time, consider following our Facebook page and subscribing to our YouTube channel. Thank you for visiting our pages!"

These installers for all platforms were provided by Batsu Games, and we would like to credit them for their contribution.

As a way of showing gratitude to Batsu’s amazing team, we have compiled a list of links where you can give back, show support, or contribute a small amount if you’d like. Please check out the links below.

Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/BatsuApps/
Paypal – batsu.apps@gmail.com


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